Mastering ielts: a theme based course

Break through band 7 with ease and confidence

Many students struggle to get to Band 7 and beyond, especially in speaking and writing. Our course was designed by IELTS trainers and examiners to specifically solve this problem.

4.2/5 (45k Reviews)

4.1/5 (18k Reviews)

Andrew Matthews, IELTS Examiner for 4 years in Thailand and Vietnam.
Teaching English for over 20 years.

Are you struggling to get past band 6 in writing?

Are you unable to reach band 7 in speaking?

Do you lack confidence when you meet the examiner?


Understand what the examiners are looking for

We know the test, we know examiners. Mastering IELTS trains you to excel and makes you stand out on test day.


Ace the Hard Parts

You will increase your knowledge of the most common IELTS themes and learn how to argue, compare, evaluate and speculate - the MOST difficult IELTS tasks and the only tasks that get the examiners looking at Band 7 and above.

Designed for Learning

Authentic magazine articles and real audio tracks will improve your knowledge. Then integrated writing and speaking questions push you to a deeper understanding by engaging your higher order thinking skills.

Critical Thinking Works

Recall, think, argue and debate without hesitation, without fear. No longer will you rely on memory alone, your deep understanding will power you through even the most stressful situations.

Be Impressive

We know the test, we know examiners. Mastering IELTS trains you to excel and makes you stand out on test day.

Be Better, Score Higher

Higher scores need better English, it's that simple. You will improve your English, you will be better, you will score higher. Fast.

A theme based course

12 Modules in one course

Supercharge your confidence in speaking and writing through theme based learning.

Environment Module

8 Lessons

14 Quizzes

Technology Module

6 Lessons

14 Quizzes

Medicine Module

8 Lessons

16 Quizzes

Architecture Module

8 Lessons

13 Quizzes

Science Module

6 Lessons

26 Quizzes

Education Module

6 Lessons

14 Quizzes

Economics Module

7 Lessons

14 Quizzes

Travel Module

8 Lessons

13 Quizzes

Health Module

7 Lessons

16 Quizzes

Transport Module

6 Lessons

12 Quizzes

History Module

7 Lessons

14 Quizzes

Crime Module

6 Lessons

12 Quizzes

IELTS Examiner Advice

This course was designed after careful consulation with IELTS trainers and examiners

What advice do examiners give?

Stop trying to boost your score, just work on your English. You must be able to ‘develop topics fully’ for a high band score

Trying to use idioms in strange places does not increase your score. Using collocations naturally and appropriately will. Read more and understand the themes better.

If you get to Part 3 of the speaking and you are not thinking about the topic deeply, you will not get a high score.

Essay writing at a high level requires ‘well developed responses and extended ideas’, not cookie cutter essay responses

You’ve seen that Mastering ielts course is

Designed for results

You’ve seen that it is designed by people who know the test AND who know how you learn. You’ve heard what the examiners say - tips and tricks don’t work at the higher levels, great English does.


Plus there is FREE access to IELTS LMS

The best platform for students and trainers in the world. Here you will get automatically graded reading and listening quizzes, a beautifully designed dashboard that records all of your scores, plus blogs and forums that inform and entertain. IELTS LMS is a platform where students and trainers work together.

Automatic grading

Mock Tests

Detailed progress report & explanations

Discussion forum

Blogs by experts


Our students say

I gained a deeper understanding of IELTS themes and was able to improve my writing and speaking skills. Highly recommended!



The course was very helpful in building my understanding of IELTS and I felt confident with the concepts by the end of the course.



The ieltslms platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate. The lessons were engaging and I never felt bored.




Lifetime access to all the material

Crack IELTS with

Mastering IELTS: A theme based course

IELTS rubric training

500+ Mock tests

Auto grading

Progress report


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Everything you need to succeed


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