Keeping your WordPress site secure can be challenging. Check out these WordPress security plugins to easily lock out the bad guys.
No #1 LMS for Wordpress
Speed up your WordPress site by up to 300% with Cloudflare's Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) plugin. APO allows Cloudflare to serve your entire WordPress site from our edge network of over 250+ data centers worldwide ensuring fast & reliable performance for your visitors no matter where they are.
Launch nowFirewall, DDoS protection, rate limiting, bot management, VPN, and more.
Intelligent routing, mobile & image optimization, video, cache.
Load balancing, DNS, virtual backbone.
Ultra-fast static and dynamic content delivery.
DNS-based load balancing and active health checks against origin servers.
Gauge how fast your website is and how you can make it even faster.
reCAPTCHA protects your website from fraud and abuse without creating friction. .reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your website. Meanwhile, legitimate users will be able to login, make purchases, view pages, or create accounts and fake users will be blocked.
Launch nowPurchase of goods or gift cards with stolen credit cards.
Bot generated ad click revenue on fraudulent websites.
Posting of malicious links or misinformation propagation.
Creation of new accounts for promotion value or future misuse.
Content pilfering for ad revenue diversion or competitive use.
Credential stuffing to validate stolen accounts.
By default in WordPress users can login using one account from unlimited devices/browsers at a time. This is not good for everyone, seriously! With this plugin you can easily set a limit for no. of active logins a user can have.
Launch nowSet maximum no. of active logins for a user.
Block new logins when the login limit is reached.
Allow new logins while logging out from other devices when the limit is reached.
Force logout users from admin.
Prevent users from sharing their account.
Useful for membership sites (for others too).
This wp plugin protect the posts content from being copied by any other web site author , you dont want your content to spread without your permission!! The plugin will keep your posts and home page protected by multiple techniques (JavaScript + CSS), this techniques does not found in any other wordpress plugin and you will own it for free with this plugin
Launch nowProtect your content from selection and copy.
No one can save images from your site.
No right click or context menu.
Show alert message, Image Ad or HTML Ad on save images or right click.
Disable the following keys CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+X,CTRL+S or CTRL+V.
Advanced and easy to use control panel.